Reportaxe no programa “Zigzag” (TVG) sobre os novos libros de Agustín Fernández Paz

O pasado día 2 de xuño, o programa cultural “Zigzag”, que emite a diario a Televisión de Galicia, dedicou unha breve reportaxe  onde se informaba dos tres últimos libros publicados por Agustín Fernández Paz en distintas coleccións de Edicións Xerais: “A viaxe de Gagarin” (na colección Narrativa), “A neve interminable” (na colección Fóra de Xogo”) e “O segredo da Illa Negra” (na colección Sopa de Libros)

Velaquí o vídeo da reportaxe:


“A viaxe de Gagarin” obtén o Premio de Narrativa da AELG

O pasado 9 de maio, a Asociación de Escritores en Lingua Galega (AELG) celebrou a anual Gala das Letras no Círculo das Artes de Lugo. Durante o acto, conducido pola xornalista e escritora María Solar, déronse a coñecer as obras e as persoas merecentes dos galardóns, que se deciden por votación dos socios e socias da Asociación. A relación completa dos premios pode consultarse aquí.

No blog Brétemas de Manuel Bragado apareceu unha interesante crónica desta Gala das Letras.

A novela A viaxe de Gagarin, de Agustín Fernández Paz, foi elixida como o mellor título de narrativa publicado durante o 2014. Este recoñecemento vénse sumar aos dous obtidos anteriormente: o Premio Fervenzas Literarias  e o Premio “Ánxel Casal” da Asociación Galega de Editores (AGE), ambos os dous ao mellor libro de narrativa do ano 2014.

A viaxe de Gagarin está publicada na colección de Narrativa de Edicións Xerais. Na web do autor recóllese unha ampla información sobre o libro, así como as recensións e entrevistas que se publicaron nos medios.


Cruzando o Atlántico

Nos últimos meses, cadrou que dúas revistas dixitais feitas en América e orientadas ao estudo e difusión da LIX, Cuatro Gatos (da fundación do mesmo nome, radicada en Miami) e La Página Escrita(da fundación J. Sierra i Fabra, radicada en Medellín e Barcelona), fixeron cadansúa entrevista con Agustín Fernández Paz, ambas coa extensión suficiente para reflectir con bastante detalle as súas ideas e opinións.

Obviamente, tanto unha coma outra realizáronse e publicáronse en castelán. Recóllense aquí as dúas: a de Cuatro Gatos e a de La Página Escrita. Creo que lles poden interesar ás persoas que desexen coñecer o traballo de AFP como escritor.

Agustín Fernández Paz, Reading Clubs Award 2015

(Na imaxe, con dúas lectoras e un lector na Feira do Libro de Vigo)

On 23rd April, World Book Day, the Ministry of Education and Culture published a resolution in the DOG “which recognises the most widely read Galician author at school book clubs in the previous school year through the READING CLUBS AWARD 2015.” This award was given to Agustín Fernández Paz for being the most widely read Galician author in the reading clubs during the 2013/14 school year.
The School Library Advisory Service, which guides and activates the different reading clubs, published an informative note, which included the following statement:

“This annual award is part of the initiative to incentivise the Reading Clubs in secondary schools, baccalaureate centres, professional training colleges and special teaching schools. The nominations from the teaching body which coordinates the reading clubs aim to acknowledge the work of the Galician authors whose books facilitate the task of teachers as reading mediators and whose work most excites the interest of the readers who participate in the clubs. To this end, the Reading Clubs Award was established. Each year the award will be given to the author of a work or works in Galician selected by the largest number of reading clubs in the previous school year. The award will be presented during the Reading Clubs Day, an annual event which brings together all the teachers who coordinate these clubs in Galician secondary schools.”

The award will be presented to Agustín Fernández Pay during the VIII Reading Club Day, which will take place on 5th June in Santiago de Compostela. AFP will receive the honour from the teachers attending the event along with representatives of the readers who participate in the reading clubs in Galician secondary schools.

Click here to see how the news was presented in the newspaper Sermos Galiza (in Galician).

Publication of A neve interminable (‘The Endless Snow’)

This April Agustín Fernández Paz’s new novel, A neve interminable, has been published by Edicións Xerais as part of the “Fóra de Xogo” collection. A story with a mystery as its central theme.

The events take place in wintertime at a hostel in A Fonsagrada, in the mountains of Lugo. A team of scriptwriters have holed up there to write the scripts for a future television series entitled The Frontiers of Fear. On the third day, it starts to snow. The storm disrupts communications and the electricity, and leaves the writers isolated from the world. As they work on the stories for the series, they discover that nobody in the hostel is who they seem to be and an unstoppable fear begins to filter into their lives.