Entries by Agustín Fernández Paz

Agustín Fernández Paz, Reading Clubs Award 2015

(Na imaxe, con dúas lectoras e un lector na Feira do Libro de Vigo) On 23rd April, World Book Day, the Ministry of Education and Culture published a resolution in the DOG “which recognises the most widely read Galician author at school book clubs in the previous school year through the READING CLUBS AWARD 2015.” […]

La Página Escrita Publishes an Extensive Interview with Agustín Fernández Paz

The magazine La Página Escrita is a quarterly digital publication edited by the Fundación Jordi Sierra i Fabra in Barcelona and the Taller de Letras Jordi Sierra i Fabra foundation in Medellín (Colombia). As they explain in the first issue, “It is a magazine aimed at young (and not so young) readers who want to […]

Interview / Report on the TVG2 Programme “Zigzag” (4-4-2015)

On 4th April TVG2’s cultural programme “Zigzag” broadcast an interview/report on the book Amizades secretas (‘Secret Friendships’), which Agustín Fernández Paz has just published with Rodeira-Edebé. The programme’s producers presented the story on their website as follows: A new work by one of the great Galician authors of children’s literature: Agustín Fernández Paz. The fascination […]

Conversation with AFP about the World of Comics

(As viñetas da ilustración corresponden ao álbum As falanxes da Orde Negra,  de Pierre Christin e Enki Bilal) Galician comics are probably experiencing their best moment of all time. Agustín Fernández Paz (Vilalba, 1947) has witnessed their evolution from the precarious means and voluntarism of the 1970s to the current brilliant era. A passionate reader […]

Publication of A neve interminable (‘The Endless Snow’)

This April Agustín Fernández Paz’s new novel, A neve interminable, has been published by Edicións Xerais as part of the “Fóra de Xogo” collection. A story with a mystery as its central theme. The events take place in wintertime at a hostel in A Fonsagrada, in the mountains of Lugo. A team of scriptwriters have […]