Non hai noite tan longa (‘There Is No Night So Long’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2011
ISBN: 978-84-9914-252-4
Pages: 268
First chapter of the bookSynopsis
Gabriel Lama is fifty years old and has lived in Paris since 1970. Aged eighteen he left Monteverde, his native village, never to return. Not even when his father died, unjustly accused of a crime for which he was tried and imprisoned in 1972, a process which led to his death. Only thirty-two years later, the death of his mother forces him to go back. He then realises that we can never escape from our past and that untreated wounds never heal. A meeting with his father’s spirit in the desolate family home changes his life forever. No hay noche tan larga is a work indebted to techniques from the noir genre. It offers a detailed moral investigation and an acidic critical examination of our society in two recent periods of history: the last years of the dictatorship and the first years of the 21st century.

ISBN: 978-84-9026-137-8Pages: 240
Publisher: Bromera
Translation: Josep Franco Martínez
No hi ha nit tan llarga
Fa trenta anys que Gabriel Lamas no s’havia acostat pel seu poble. Ni tan sols quan va morir el pare, empresonat per un delicte que no havia comés però que va acabar pagant amb la vida. Ara, la mort de la mare l’obliga a tornar i a comprovar que les ferides són encara tan doloroses com quan va fugir, el 1970. Un encontre amb la presència de son pare a la desolada casa familiar li canviarà la vida per sempre.
Misteri i història es combinen magistralment en aquest relat fascinant, deutor de la novel·la negra, que ofereix una mirada crítica i àcida sobre la nostra societat durant els últims anys de la dictadura i els primers del segle xxi. Per damunt dels fets, plana un missatge esperançador sobre el futur i la recuperació de la dignitat de les persones. I és que, com va escriure Shakespeare, «no hi ha nit tan llarga que no acabe en dia».
Vanesa Oliveira. Blog Rosomil (2-2-2012)
In Non hai noite tan longa (There Is No Night So Long), the author weaves the emotional breath of the Generation of Fear with the precision of a goldsmith. Few books can be recommended as highly as this novel which so well portrays the people who suffered the assaults of the dictatorship.