Fantasmas no corredor (‘Ghosts of the Corridor’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 1993
ISBN: 84-9782-360-5
Pages: 58
Collection: Merlín
Illustrations: Óscar Villán
Banishing childhood fears is sometimes very difficult, above all when there is reason behind them apart from the overactive imagination of a girl. Marina is convinced that the long and dark corridor of her new house is taken by storm by some strange shadows whenever it becomes dark. Nobody in her family believes her, and so Marina sets about getting evidence to prove it. Nevertheless, her mother’s resourcefulness brings about the demise of the shadows in the house. Using humour, the author tries to conjure up one of the most common childhood fears in this tale based on an everyday problem: the darkness, always full of threats and dangers. The theme is put forward by means of a simple and determined text, always accompanied by a humorous point of view.

ISBN: 84-96514-61-7Pages: 59
Publisher: Algar
Illustrations: Óscar Villán
Translation: Soledad Carreño Albín
Fantasmas en el pasillo
Marina sabe que en el pasillo de su casa hay fantasmas. Ella los ve todas las noches cuando va al baño, y pasa mucho miedo. El problema es que el resto de su familia no la cree. Si pudiera fotografiarlos…

ISBN: 978-84-9824-000-9Pages: 59
Publisher: Bromera
Illustrations: Óscar Villán
Translation: Josep Franco Martínez
Fantasmes al passadís
Marina sap que al corredor de sa casa hi ha fantasmes. Ella els veu totes les nits quan va al bany, i passa molta por. El problema és que la resta de la familia no la creu. Si poguera fotografiarlos…
Gabriel García de Oro. Revista Babar (11-6-2006)
Fantasmas no corredor is a delicate work which narrates the rich inner world of Mariña, a girl convinced that ghosts are hiding in the hallway of her home. […] Into a space as small as a hallway, Agustín Fernández Paz manages to squeeze a good, entertaining text that finishes almost unintentionally.