Cos pés no aire (‘With Feet in the Air’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 1999
ISBN: 84-8302-861-1
Pages: 72
Collection: Merlín
Illustrations: Miguelanxo Prado
First chapter of the bookSynopsis
A story about the problems people can encounter because for some reason or other they are different, and about the need to accept those differences by means of self-appreciation and self-esteem. The narrative revolves around Daniel, a solitary adult who one day realises that he is horrified by his monotonous and grey life, and that he has been spending his time trying not to stand out among all the other people. At the same time, Daniel discovers that he has an exceptional quality that makes him someone special: he can fly. On the one hand, he feels excited and happy and, on the other hand, he fears that his uniqueness will turn him into an outcast. By chance, he contacts other people like him. The narration in the third person focuses the story on the character’s interior and shows us reactions and feelings in the face of what happens to him.

ISBN: 978-84-489-0958-1Pages: 80
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: Miguelanxo Prado
Translation: Pau Joan Hernández
Ambs els peus enlaire
A en Daniel, la feina en una oficina li resulta molt avorrida; la seva vida s’ha tornat grisa. Per acabar-ho d’adobar, en els moments més inesperats li passen coses inexplicables. Quin problema! Però, en descobrir que tot això és causat per una estranya facultat, decideix aprofitar-la i aleshores…

ISBN: 978-84-667-0614-8Pages: 80
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: Miguelanxo Prado
Translation: Rafael Chacón
Con los pies en el aire
A Daniel, el trabajo en la oficina le resulta muy aburrido; su vida se ha vuelto de color gris. Por si fuera poco, en los momentos más inesperados le suceden cosas muy raras. ¡Menudo problema! Pero, al descubrir que todo ello se debe a una extraña facultad, decide aprovecharla y entonces…

ISBN: 84-667-0626-7Pages: 80
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: Miguelanxo Prado
Translation: Manu López Gaseni
Oin hegalariak
Bulegoko lana aspergarriegia da Danielentzat; bizitza gris kolorekoa bihurtu zaio. Eta hori gutxi balitz bezala, gutxien espero duenean oso gauza arraroak gertatzen hasi zaizkio. Nolako arazoa!
Baina, hori guztia gaitasun berezi baten ondorio dela konturatzen denean, horretaz baliatzea erabakitzen du, eta orduan…