As fadas verdes (‘The Green Fairies’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: SMFirst Edition: 1999
ISBN: 84-348-6569-6
Pages: 100
Collection: O barco de vapor
Illustrations: Beatriz Castro
A story centred around the friendship between Diana and the small green fairy, Goewín, the last of her kind, who lives through a terrible fire that has devastated the forest where she lived with her sisters, entrusted to protect the place. The girl helps the fairy to recover so that she can continue her work preserving nature, even though this means that they will have to go their separate ways. The story features important symbolic elements. The fairy personifies nature, whose survival is threatened by dark interests, besides representing the necessary survival of the world of fantasy and imagination. Diana embodies a hopeful proposal for the future: a better tomorrow for everyone. By showing the girl’s family life, the author tackles problems which affect the present-day world as seen from a Galician point of view.
Seventh Edition: 2020

ISBN: 84-348-7078-9Pages: 107
Publisher: SM
Illustrations: Asun Balzola, Patricia Garrido
Translation: Rafael Chacón
Las hadas verdes
Diana se levantó y fue corriendo a la ventana, que había dejado abierta por el calor. Asustada, subió la persiana, adivinando ya el espectáculo que iba a ver. Frente a ella, el monte del Castro ardía como su fuese una hoguera de gigantes.

ISBN: 978-84-661-2128-6Pages: 96
Publisher: Cruïlla
Illustrations: Asun Balzola, Patricia Garrido
Translation: Natalia Tomás
Les fades verdes
Aquell estiu tan sec, el foc crema la muntanya i fa desaparèixer les plantes, els animals i les fades verdes, encarregades de cuidar els boscos. Després del’incendi, la Diana puja fins a la roureda i hi troba la Goewin, una fada que ha quedat en molt mal estat. La nena l’ajuda a recuperar-se i es fan amigues. Així passen un estiu inoblidable.
Mª Jesús Fernández. CLIJ, Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, nº 125 (05/1999)
The fairy identifies with nature, whose conservation is under threat, and she represents how it is necessary for the world of fantasy and imagination to survive.