Aire negro (‘Black Air’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2000
ISBN: 84-8302-502-7
Pages: 182
First chapter of the bookSynopsis
There are two narrators in this story: the young and brilliant psychiatrist, who is overwhelmed by events which surpass his scientific aptitudes, who tells us about a patient, a young woman called Laura, who expresses herself by means of texts in which she recalls how she ended up in a state of imbalance. This part of the novel takes place in A Terra Cha (Lugo) where Laura’s presence sets off a series of dramatic events. A very original children’s novel of mystery and horror in the realm of Galician literature. It is full of references to creators not only from Galicia but also from the world of international literature (Joseph Conrad, Henry James), and also of an enormous symbolic content (the theories of C. G. Jung are obvious). The underlying dilemma deals with the age-old fears which exist in any culture and their origins: neurosis or fear in the face of real dangers?
Ficha técnica
Editorial: Edicións Xerais
First edition: 2000
ISBN: 978-84-9914-431-3
Pages: 216
Current Edition: 23 (April 2018)

ISBN: 978-84-9783-083-6Pages: 230
Publisher: Elkar
Translation: Koldo Izagirre
Aire Beltza
Psikiatriko batean dago Laura Novo, inguruari sorgor eta guztiaz ahazturik. Mediku gazte batek haren arimaren baitan sartzea lortuko du, baina ez batak ez besteak sumatzen dute errealitate ezezagun eta izugarri bati zabaldu diotela atea…

ISBN: 978-84-7660-585-1Pages: 182
Publisher: Bromera
Translation: Josep Franco Martínez
Aire Negre
La primera pacient del doctor Moldes en la clínica psiquiàtrica és Laura Novo, una dona autista i sense memòria, que passa el dia sencer escrivint el seu nom compulsivament. El doctor aconseguirà que Laura recorde tot allò que li va passar al llarg dels mesos anteriors, quan una ombra fosca semblava dominar la seua vida. Però cap dels dos no hauria pogut endevinar que, d’aquella manera, estaven obrint les portes a una realitat terrible.

ISBN: 84-675-0884-1Pages: 176
Publisher: SM
Translation: Rafael Chacón
Aire negro
Laura Novo no habla. Tan solo escribe su nombre una y otra vez. Víctor, su psiquiatra, le pide que cuente su historia; una historia llena de misterio y dolor donde se mezcla el amor con los miedos y las leyendas.

ISBN: 978-950-753-369-3Pages: 218
Publisher: Puerto de Palos (Grupo Macmillan) - Buenos Aires
Aire negro (ed. Argentina)
Laura Novo es paciente de la clínica en la que un joven y brillante psiquiatra inicia su carrera profesional. Detrás de la escritura compulsiva y repetida de su nombre, ella esconde un secreto oscuro, denso, como aire negro. ¿Podrá la escritura, la palabra, liberarla del tormento de la angustia? ¿Será el amor perdido y reencontrado el que la guíe una vez más hacia la vida? Algo inefable se mueve alrededor llenándolo todo de frío y oscuridad.

ISBN: 978-954-384-028-1Pages: 154
Publisher: Small Station Press
Illustrations: Yana Levieva
Translation: Jonathan Dunne
Black Air
Víctor Moldes is an outstanding psychiatry student, looking to test his knowledge on patients. He is given a job at the prestigious Beira Verde Clinic in Galicia, near the Portuguese border, and handed a patient, Laura Novo, who is capable only of writing her name on blank sheets of paper. Slowly he draws her out of herself and she agrees to tell him her story, how she left Madrid in order to work on her thesis and escape a difficult relationship that was going nowhere. Her return to the land where she grew up, to stay in a guest house run by a schoolteacher she had fallen passionately in love with when she was a teenager, has fatal consequences. Her presence in the remote area of Terra Chá awakens the Great Beast, who up until that moment had been slumbering in the depths of the earth. Once awake, the Great Beast has one year to achieve its objective. Dr Moldes finds himself drawn into a conflict he is barely able to understand, let alone control, and, having finally pieced together the fragments of the narrative, he is in a race against time to save his patient.

ISBN: 978-954-384-019-9Pages: 174
Publisher: Small Station Press
Translation: Теодора Цанкова
Agustín Fernández Paz’s book can be called not a bestseller, but a thriller. Dealing with the known, but ending with the unknown. Suggesting the expected, but giving the reader the unexpected. Great love, a psychiatric hospital, exorcism and the unravelling of a plot which turns Freud, Jung and civilization upside down. People are a lonely crowd, under and over which the primary forces of nature prevail. They are like in a clamp, from which the only way out, though unreal, is the deceit of the megalopolis. A story so black it oozes tar, which stops you breathing.
Antonio Orlando Rodríguez. Cuatrogatos magazine (30-1-2004)
The plot of Aire negro (‘Black Air’) hooks us from the first pages and leads us through a story which recreates the rarefied atmosphere and the buried suspense of a narration by Poe or Lovecraft.