A cidade dos desexos (‘The City of Desires’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 1989
ISBN: 84-9782-303-6
Pages: 57
Collection: Merlín
Illustrations: Manuel Uhía
A group of boys and girls who usually meet in an abandoned building, see their old refuge become a new commercial establishment: the Centre for the Promotion of Fantastic Initiatives. It is run by Ana, a woman with a touch of fairy about her. With her magical powers, she can make any desire become reality, as long as it is not a selfish request. The three wishes made by the children have the effect of transforming the city from top to bottom. An adventure novel protagonised by a gang of children, which is dominated by the environmental theme and the idea that it is possible to improve the world starting closest to home.

ISBN: 84-89804-04-4Pages: 46
Publisher: Lóguez Ediciones
Illustrations: Manuel Uhía
Translation: Maribel G.Martínez
La ciudad de los deseos
Un día, los niños y niñas de la pandilla se encuentran con una persona inquietante, capaz de hacer las cosas más extrañas y sorprendentes. Con esa persona van a emprender la aventura de cambiar por completo la ciudad en la que vive. Y no va a ser una tarea fácil.