Un tren cargado de misterios (‘A Train Loaded with Mysteries’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2001
ISBN: 84-8302-691-0
Pages: 53
Illustrations: Enjamio
From the window of her bedroom, Ana sees the train go by everyday. A train that never stops, because where she lives there is no station. One afternoon, the train stops next to her house and the ticket inspector invites her on board after she solves a riddle. Ana soon discovers that it is a very special train: in it she will travel to all five continents and, besides, she will have to solve the mystery locked inside seven enigmatic blue boxes. After she succeeds, she will have in her hands the book of infinite stories, where the most beautiful tales are kept, written by men and women throughout history to help us dream and live. Intrigue, fantasy and play on words, the existence of a diverse and varied planet, the value of books and of stories are all the magical threads which bind this book together.

ISBN: 84-667-3688-3Pages: 80
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: Enjamio
Translation: Agustín Fernández Paz
Un tren cargado de misterios
Desde la ventana de su cuarto, Ana ve pasar el tren todos los días. Un tren que nunca para, porque donde la niña vive no hay estación. Pero un día, el tren se detiene junto a la casa y Ana recibe la invitación de subir. Así, descubre que se trata de un tren muy especial: recorrerá países de todo el mundo, y además tendrá que resolver el misterio que encierran siete enigmáticas cajas azules.