Trece anos de Branca (‘Thirteen Years of Blanca’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: RodeiraFirst Edition: 1994
ISBN: 978-84-96352-52-0
Pages: 123
At the age of thirteen, Blanca catches hepatitis which means that she is bed bound for two whole months. To entertain herself, and encouraged by her mother, she begins to put together a photo album. The photos remind her of forgotten images which enable her to recall her entire life: the experiences she lived during her childhood, relationships with relatives, her friends, the discovery of feelings as crucial as love, fears and uncertainties. This is an excellent portrait of an adolescent girl, drawn up with great sensitivity and psychological penetration, and written in the author’s simple and purified style. This is a story full of authenticity and tenderness, and besides, its original construction in the shape of a puzzle stirs up the interest of the reader and encourages them to continue reading so as to complete the character’s universe.

ISBN: 84-8331-762-1Pages: 110
Publisher: Elkarlanean
Translation: Iñaki Ugarteburu
Albak hamahiru urte
13 urte betetzean oparitu dioten albumean bere argazki maiteenak ipintzen hasiko da Alba: eskolan txangoa egin zutenekoa, Loisen usategira joan zenekoa… eta argazki hauen bitartez ezagutuko dugu Albaren eta bere ingurukoen bizitza: gurasoen gorabeherak, eskolako kontuak, lehenengo amodioaren deskubrimendua…

ISBN: 978-84-236-7678-1Pages: 130
Publisher: Edebé
Translation: Rosa M. Vilariño
Trece años de Blanca
Blanca está enferma con hepatitis. Desde hace nueve días guarda cama y la han obligado a hacer reposo absoluto durante cinco o seis semanas. ¡Una eternidad! Encima le toca pasar su cumpleaños así, y es un cumpleaños importante: trece años. Ese día le regalan un álbum de fotos y su madre le propone que lo complete para no aburrirse.

ISBN: 978-84-236-8295-9Pages: 97
Publisher: Edebé
Translation: Pau Joan Hernández
Tretze anys de Blanca
Aquest recull de records, sincer i entranyable, ens permet d’anar coneixent com és i com ha estat la vida de la Blanca, una noia de tretze anys. La seva infantesa, la seva forma de viure, els problemes dels seus pares, l’escola, el primer amor… són escenes que es van succeint gràcies a l’efecte evocador d’unes fotografies.
CLIJ. Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, nº 62
Excellent portrait of a teenage girl, written with great sensitivity and psychological penetration. A tale charged with authenticity and tenderness, notable for its original construction in the form of a puzzle, which piques the reader’s interest and entices them to continue reading.