O único que queda é o amor (‘The Only Thing Left is Love’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2007
ISBN: 978-84-9782-628-0
Pages: 1745
Illustrations: Pablo Auladell
First chapter of the bookSynopsis
A volume which brings together ten short stories in a wide temporal framework, whose initial versions, now rewritten, were published in magazines or young adults’ collections. They all explore, from various perspectives and registers, diverse concepts of love and indifference, from adolescent discovery to posthumous affirmation, from idealized love to passionate love, from forgotten or frustrated love to recovered love. The tales explore human feelings deeply, sometimes with melancholy or even a great sadness and, nevertheless, with a base of joy which showcases love, a passion capable of completely changing the life of people and of which something always remains, even if only in the form of a memory.
The stories contain some keys of the author’s poetics: the dialogue with diverse cultural creations; the literary and cinematographic gaze; the evocation of the past, in this case through the sentimental memory; the homage to books; the presence of the supernatural, and unpredictable chance.

ISBN: 978-84-667-6482-7Pages: 176
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: Pablo Auladell
Translation: Isabel Soto
Lo único que queda es el amor
Hay una trama de hilos invisibles que une las vidas de los personajes de este libro: Diana, Sara, Pablo, Laura, Adrián… Todos se enamoran y descubren que el amor es un sentimiento poderosisimo, capaz de transformarles por entero y hacerles ver la vida de otra forma. Pero también experimentan la amargura del desamor, o de la ausencia, o de los amores rotos. El amor en todas sus variantes: desde el primer amor adolescente hasta el que pervive más allá de la muerte. Y, siempre, los libros como compañeros en la aventura de amar.

ISBN: 978-84-9783-680-7Pages: 164
Publisher: Elkar
Illustrations: Pablo Auladell
Translation: Uxue Alberdi
Maitasuna da geratzen den bakarra
Badira liburu honetan hari ikusezin batzuk, bertan agertzen diren pertsonaien bizitzak elkartzen dituztenak. Diana, Sara, Pablo, Laura, Adrian… Denak maitemintzen dira, denek deskubritzen dute maitasuna sentimendu indartsua dela, ahalmen miresgarriak dituena, maitasuna gai baita pertsona bat goitik behera aldatzeko eta bizitza beste modu batez ikusarazteko. Baina, aldi berean, desamodioaren mingostasuna ere ezagutzen dute, edo absentziarena, urruntzearena, edota maitasun apurtuena. Maitasuna bere aldaera guztiekin, gazte denboretako lehenengo maitasunetik hasi eta heriotzaz haraindi bizirik irauten dueneraino. Eta hor daude beti liburuak, bidelagunak maitatzeko abenturan.

ISBN: 978-84-9824-411-3Pages: 184
Publisher: Bromera
Illustrations: Pablo Auladell
Translation: Josep Franco Martínez
Només ens queda l’amor
Hi ha una trama de fils invisibles que uneix les vides dels personatges d’aquest llibre: tots ells descobreixen que l’amor és un sentiment poderosíssim, capaç de transformar-los per complet i de fer-los veure la vida d’una altra manera. Però, també, experimenten l’amargor del desamor, o de l’absència, o dels amors trencats. L’amor aflora en totes les expressions: des del primer amor adolescent fins al que es manté més enllà de la mort. I, sempre, amb els llibres com a companys de l’aventura d’estimar.

ISBN: 978-84-9824-391-8Pages: 184
Publisher: Bromera
Translation: Josep Franco
Només ens queda l’amor
Hi ha una trama de fils invisibles que uneix les vides dels personatges d’aquest llibre: tots ells descobreixen que l’amor és un sentiment poderosíssim, capaç de transformar-los per complet i de fer-los veure la vida d’una altra manera. Però, també, experimenten l’amargor del desamor, o de l’absència, o dels amors trencats. L’amor aflora en totes les expressions: des del primer amor adolescent fins al que es manté més enllà de la mort. I, sempre, amb els llibres com a companys de l’aventura d’estimar.

ISBN: 978-954-384-086-1Pages: 152
Publisher: Small Stations Press
Illustrations: Pablo Auladell
Translation: Jonathan Dunne
Nothing Really Matters in Life More Than Love
The ten stories in this magnificent collection “all talk of the importance of love, that feeling that can transform us more deeply than any other, and also of its absence, the void it leaves in people when the twists and turns of life make it impossible”. So the author, Agustín Fernández Paz, writes in his afterword. A banker who, bored of the company of other directors, frequents a bookshop and is introduced to works she has never read before; a young man who falls in love with the daughter of the owner of the garage where he works; a man and a dog who continue to seek out the company of the Woman he loved; a couple who endure a freak accident, but only one survives; a woman who recalls her first, anxious physical contact with her boyfriend; a man who is proud of his collection of matchboxes; another who finds passport photos of the woman of his dreams on the pavement; the country house and its long-kept secrets; a woman whose life could have been so different had she followed the inclinations of her heart; and the man who comes up with the ingenious idea of advertising not services, but the openings of books that have transformed his life. There is in this work an analysis of the power of love over our lives, love that is requited and love that is left behind. There is also, as the author points out, a celebration of the positive impact that reading can have in our lives, and Fernández Paz very deliberately sets out the provide pointers to some of this favourite creators: Auster, Kafka, Pamuk and Rivas, Éluard, Neruda, Valcárcel and Valente, Hicks, Kar-wai and Wenders… Readers will be able not only to sink into the charming prose of one of Galicia’s most famous writers, but also to equip themselves with a to-do list of other authors. Nothing Really Matters in Life More Than Love received the 2008 Spanish National Award and is beautifully illustrated in colour by Pablo Auladell.

ISBN: 978-89-6219-115-8Pages: 184
Publisher: Booklight
O único que queda é o amor (tradución ao coreano)
Link to watch the video with which the Korean publisher advertised the book:

ISBN: 978-989-8236-15-9Pages: 224
Publisher: Ediçoes Nelson de Matos
Translation: Maria João Freire de Andrade
Só resta o amor
As vidas dos personagens das histórias deste livro estão ligadas por uma teia de fios invisíveis: Diana, Sara, Pablo, Laura, Adrián… Todos se apaixonam e descobrem que o amor é um sentimento de enorme poder, capaz de os transformar por inteiro e de os fazer ver a vida com outros olhos. Mas também experimentam a amargura causada pela falta de amor, ou a ausência, ou o amor fracassado. O amor em todas as suas variantes: do primeiro amor adolescente até àquele que sobrevive à morte. E, sempre, sempre, os livros como companheiros na aventura de amar.

ISBN: 978-989-95597-5-2Pages: 218
Publisher: Ediçoes Nelson de Matos
Translation: Maria João Freire de Andrade
Só resta o amor
As vidas dos personagens das histórias deste livro estão ligadas por uma teia de fios invisíveis: Diana, Sara, Pablo, Laura, Adrián… Todos se apaixonam e descobrem que o amor é um sentimento de enorme poder, capaz de os transformar por inteiro e de os fazer ver a vida com outros olhos. Mas também experimentam a amargura causada pela falta de amor, ou a ausência, ou o amor fracassado. O amor em todas as suas variantes: do primeiro amor adolescente até àquele que sobrevive à morte. E, sempre, sempre, os livros como companheiros na aventura de amar.
Dolores Vilavedra. «Luces», El pais (14-12-2007)
O único que queda é o amor is the ideal book for those who are about to discover love, for those who have lost it, for those who have yet to find it and for those who have forgotten its name.