O soño do merlo branco (‘The White Blackbird’s Dream’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: EverestFirst Edition: 2000
ISBN: 84-403-0408-0
Pages: 80
Illustrations: Manuel Uhía
A blackbird, who has just experienced the first departure of her four children from the nest alongside their father to discover the Garden, recalls the Wheel of Life. She narrates her first experiences in search of food, the encounter with the Humans and their world, her discovery of death at the hands of the Sparrow Hawk and also her love story. A beautiful story in which youngsters can become acquainted with the experience of life exemplified by a family of blackbirds. The story transmits a model of life, knowledge and respect for the environment in which any type of aggression or racism is rejected.

ISBN: 84-241-7931-5Pages: 75
Publisher: Everest
Illustrations: Manuel Uhía
Translation: Agustín Fernández Paz
El sueño del mirlo blanco
La Mirla de este cuento empieza a vivir la Rueda de la Vida, que estará llena de apasionantes descubrimientos. Su curiosidad la llevará a conocer a los humanos, esos extraños seres que son capaces de realizar las cosas más extraordinarias, pero también las más abominables.