O Raio Veloz (‘Lightning Quick’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: OxfordFirst Edition: 2010
ISBN: 84-9811-071-8
Pages: 97
Illustrations: Federico Delicado
The main character in this story is Adrian, a 26-year-old who, far from wanting to become a successful professional, would rather dedicate his life to making others happy. After several jobs, he finally finds his own place in the messenger company El Rayo Veloz, where he will take advantage of his deliveries in order to help those who have some type of problem he can pick up on correctly. He finds the cure for his loneliness when he comes across a woman to love, after solving a peculiar game of riddles and conundrums. A story which combines humour and mystery and insists on optimism and the transmission of good feelings towards those anonymous people we walk by every day.

ISBN: 978-84-673-5478-2Pages: 96
Publisher: Oxford
Illustrations: Federico Delicado
Translation: Isabel Soto
El rayo veloz
Cuando Adrián empezó a trabajar en el empresa de mensajería El Rayo Veloz, no podía imaginar lo que le esperaba. Montado en su moto de reparto, Adrián vivirá aventuras insólitas. Y la mayor de ellas llegará cuando comience a recibir en su casa una serie de misteriosos mensajes. ¿Quién se los envía y para qué?
Una historia de amor en la que el protagonista, queriendo cambiar el mundo, ayuda a todo aquel que lo necesita y al final, sin buscarlo, recibe todo el amor entregado.
Paula Fernández. Faro de Vigo (21-9-2006)
Mystery is interspersed with humorous episodes and a certain romantic element to create different facets that will captivate readers.