Valados (‘Walls’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2009
ISBN: 978-84-9914-049-0
Pages: 72
Collection: Merlín
Illustrations: Xan López Domínguez
First chapter of the bookSynopsis
Helen and Adrian are inseparable friends, they love being together and playing as much as they can. One day, worrying events begin to happen in their town, as if a strange wind were blocking happiness from the streets and leaving hate and fear in its place. The authorities order barriers to be raised – barbed-wire fences, concrete walls, armed guards – to separate and isolate part of the town and the people who live there. Visible walls, and also invisible ones, which separate Adrian and Helena and prevent them from being together. The two children have to come up with different strategies to keep the intense friendship which unites them alive.
Valados deals with a story of universal reach. There are currently more than 7,600 km of walls in the world, erected to separate people or to impede migrations. To these must be added other, more numerous ones: the invisible walls, which favour social exclusion and injustice.

ISBN: 978-88-566-2114-3Pages: 118
Publisher: Edizioni Piemme
Illustrations: Desideria Guicciardini
Translation: Maria Concetta Scotto di Santillo
Il cielo non ha muri
Helena e Adrian sono amici per la pelle. Ogni pomeriggio si trovano ai piedi di una grande quercia per giocare, arrampicarsi e raccontarsi mille storie. Un giorno però gli abitanti del paese decidono di costruire un muro che divida alcuni quartieri, e i due amici si ritrovano separati. Ma Helena e Adrian non si scoraggiano e si mettono alla ricerca di un modo per comunicare. Finché un giorno ecco volare liberi nell’aria mille aquiloni colorati, perché il cielo non ha muri…

ISBN: 978-84-675-4021-5Pages: 64
Publisher: SM
Illustrations: Xan López Domínguez
Translation: Isabel Soto
Algo les ha pasado a los adultos. Ya no se ríen y siempre están preocupados. Han levantado un muro que separa el pueblo en dos mitades y hay guardias por todas partes. Pero Helena y Adrián son amigos y no van a permitir que los separen. ¿Lo conseguirán?

ISBN: 978-84-661-2601-4Pages: 90
Publisher: Cruïlla
Illustrations: Xan López Domínguez
Translation: Natàlia Tomàs
L’Helena i el Joel són dos amics inseparables. Però, un dia, passa alguna cosa estranya: l’alegria desapareix dels carrers, i s’escampen la por i l’odi. Llavors, la gent de la banda alta de la ciutat construeix un mur que tanca els barris de la part baixa, i l’Helena i el Joel queden cadascú en un cantó. Però ells no accepten que ningú els separi, i se les empesquen per mantenir viva l’amistat que els uneix. Relat sobre la discriminació.
Elena Dreser in Cuatrogatos children’s literature magazine (05/2012)
A story of faith and hope written with suggestive poetic prose, which Agustín Fernández Paz handles with masterly aplomb.