Lúa do Senegal (‘Senegal Moon’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2009
ISBN: 978-84-9782-556-6
Pages: 197
Collection: Sopa de libros
Illustrations: Marina Seoane
Khoedi, a name which means ‘moon’ in her language, is an eleven-year-old Senegalese girl who chooses the moon itself as confidante for her story. It is the only common element she perceives between the world she knows, her village in Senegal, and the unknown one which now surrounds her, the city of Vigo, where her father has lived for a while. She directs her intense reflections to the moon: sensations, memories, fears, and also her desire to get used to the new life which awaits her in this new place so full of absences, particularly that of her grandmother, Mama Feriane.
The story addresses emigration from the point of view of uprooting and the intense sadness which surround her and highlights the value of multiculturalism, linguistic diversity and living together, as well as the importance of combining memory with future. Structurally, the alternation of narrative voices stands out, as alongside Khoedi, an external narrator completes episodes experienced by the girl.

ISBN: 978-84-489-2676-2Pages: 144
Publisher: Barcanova
Translation: Xulio Ricardo Trigo
Lluna del Senegal
La Khoedi, una nena de deu anys, ha de deixar la seva casa del Senegal per instal·lar-se a Vigo, la ciutat on el seu pare va emigrar fa uns quants anys. A la nova terra, la vida és dura per a la Khoedi: no coneix ningú i tot li resulta ben diferent. Viu a Europa, però el seu cap i el seu cor continuen a Àfrica. L’únic llaç entre la nova realitat i el món que va deixar enrere és la Lluna que brilla al cel a la nit.

ISBN: 978-84-667-8430-6Pages: 200
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: Marina Seoane
Translation: Isabel Soto
Luna de Senegal
Khoedi, una niña de once años, tiene que dejar su casa en Senegal para instalarse en Vigo, la ciudad donde su padre lleva varios años emigrado. En esta nueva tierra, la vida será dura para Khoedi: no conoce a nadie y todo le resulta diferente. Está en Europa, pero su cabeza y su corazón continúan en África. El único lazo entre su realidad y el mundo que dejó atrás es la luna que brilla en el cielo cada noche.
Isabel Soto. cultura_galega.org (7-9-2009)
The book addresses the current issue of immigration and does so by choosing to make its central axis the emotive charge surrounding the problem. However, it also integrates optimism, respect and the co-existence of languages and cultures.