Laura e os ratos (‘Laura and the Mice’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2004
ISBN: 84-9782-143-2
Pages: 23
Collection: Paseniño
Illustrations: Rocío del Moral
There is a mouse in Laura’s house, as they discover while eating dinner in the kitchen. The girl’s parents try various means to get rid of it. Laura, on the other hand, wants to make friends with the animal. So she disrupts all the traps which her parents set for it.
This is an illustrated book for early readers.

English / Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-9824-505-9Pages: 24
Publisher: Algar
Illustrations: Rocío del Moral
Translation: Paulina Tate
Laura and the mice / Laura y los ratones

ISBN: 84-9746-158-4Pages: 24
Publisher: Erein
Illustrations: Rocío del Moral
Translation: Rosetta Testu Zerbitzuak
Laura eta saguak
Lauraren etxean sagu bat dabil. Badirudi gurasoek hil egin nahi dutela; Laurak, berriz, haren adiskide izan nahi du. Lehen mailako idazle puntakoenak idatzitako letra magikoak dira sail honetan aurkituko direnak

ISBN: 84-7660-933-7Pages: 24
Publisher: Bromera
Illustrations: Rocío del Moral
Translation: Amaia Crespo Costa
Laura i els ratolins
A casa de Laura hi ha un ratolí. Els pares pareix que volen matar-lo, i Laura, en canvi, voldria fer-se’n amiga.

Laura y los ratones
En casa de Laura hay un ratón. Su padre y su madre parece que lo quieren matar y, en cambio, Laura querría hacerse su amiga.