Desde unha estrela distante (‘From a Distant Star’)

Publishing Details
Publisher: Edicións XeraisFirst Edition: 2013
ISBN: 978-84-9914-492-4
Pages: 162
Collection: Sopa de libros
Illustrations: David Pintor
Nine-year-old Daniela is spending a few days at her grandmother’s house in Mondoñedo. They have sent her there while her family empties their flat in Lugo and makes the move to a new house in Vigo, the city where they are going to live from now on.
One afternoon, Daniela climbs up to the attic to investigate what is in there. When she opens an old chest full of books, she has the biggest fright of her life. A mouse comes out of the chest, determined to speak to her in different languages. A mouse which can transform itself into a squirrel, a monkey, a cat and other animals. In fact, it is an extra-terrestrial, sent to Earth to study people. Is is possible that two such different beings can come to understand each other?
Daniela is spending a few days at her grandmother’s house before going to live in a new city with her family. One day she climbs up to the attic to explore and receives the shock of her life. When she opens a chest, a mouse appears. It is determined to speak to her and is, in fact, an extra-terrestrial! Is is possible that two such different beings can come to understand each other?

ISBN: 978-84-9026-170-5Pages: 118
Publisher: Bromera
Illustrations: Alberto Pieruz
Translation: Josep Franco Martínez
Des d’una estrella distant
Daniela no esperava trobar-se un ratolí a casa de l’àvia, i menys encara que parlara! En realitat, és un extraterrestre enviat des d’una estrella llunyana amb una missió: estudiar les persones i descobrir què poden aportar a la civilització –avançadíssima– del seu planeta. Quina deu ser la principal riquesa dels humans?

ISBN: 978-84-678-4044-5Pages: 164
Publisher: Anaya
Illustrations: David Pintor
Translation: Isabel Soto
Desde una estrella distante
Daniela pasa unos días en casa de su abuela, antes de ir a vivir junto a su familia a una nueva ciudad. Una tarde sube al desván a explorar y allí se llevará el susto de su vida. Al abrir un baúl, aparece un ratón decidido a hablar con ella y que, en realidad, ¡es un extraterrestre! ¿Será posible que dos seres tan diferentes lleguen a entenderse?